(800) 496-0182

Risk Analysis
Emergency Planning

Johnson & Associates works in conjunction with LOCAL AUTHORITIES and HOMELAND SECURITY.

In conjunction with local authorities and Homeland Security officials, Johnson & Associates assesses security threats and vulnerabilities to provide countermeasure protective recommendations.

Johnson & Associates will design, create, and implement site specific emergency evacuations and preparedness plans. This includes but is not limited to:

  • Defining facility protocol
  • Notification of company management, employees and guests
  • Mobilization of emergency responders
  • Dispatch and coordination with local law enforcement
  • Establish guidelines for proper evacuation, i.e. when to evacuate and safety measures for returning to normal business operations
  • Develop guidelines for conducting drills and training exercises for emergency response
  • Create maps and evacuation directional points of interest
  • Develop strategies and guidelines for securing the property during crises situations and evacuations
  • Develop information related to calling trees, mustering location(s) and shelters
  • Active Shooter protocol

Johnson & Associates can create an emergency preparedness policy to provide thorough and concise procedures on proper visitor access, personal safety package delivery and overall security team responsibilities.